Sunday, December 29, 2013

Wolf of Wall Street HOWLS!!!

Dear distinguished cinephiles,

The final moments of 2013 are approaching.  Mr. Martin Scorsese has gone back to his roots and delivered his best since "Casino."  Think "Casino" meets "Wall Steet."  Gordon Gekko intertwined with Ace Rothstein.  The memoir by Jordan Belfort is equally rewarding.  I had serious doubts that the book could be adapted.  Credit to Scorsese for executing it perfectly.  Rodrigo Prieto's cinematography captures the pinks and yellows of the late 80's and early 90's on point.  The colors reminded me of
Sofia Coppola's "Bling Ring" and Michael Mann's "Miami Vice".  Jonah Hill's clothing, the bikini's at the Long Island Beach house, the yacht, and European sequences in Switzerland and Italy were all popping off the screen.  The picture clocks in at three hours, but seems like a fever dream.

The film like the memoir encapsulates the emotion of excess.  Ferraris, rolex watches, designer
suits,  diamonds, piles of physical money, sex, cocaine, ludes, and insanity.  The film makes Jordan Belfort look like Jay-Z mixed with Gordon Gekko on steroids.  He buys a yacht then rebuilds it to fit his helicopter.  Scorsese achieved this with Ace Rothstein and Nicky Santoro.  This time it is Jordan Belfort and Donnie.  Unlike Casino in which the mob is running a Las Vegas Casino with Joe Pesci as muscle, instead of murder Dicaprio is a white collar criminal who along with Jonah Hill are stripping the American public of millions without murder.

In looking at acting Dicaprio dives into the film off the top diving board.  He makes Michael Douglas as Gordon Gekko look tame.  Dicaprio seems both maniacal and driven beyond belief.  I believe it is his best work since "Aviator."  The fact that he was Jay Gatsby and Calvin Candie in such a short time period is just a testament to his range as an actor.  I am so pleased he has yet to be a super hero or do a sequel.   He plays the wolf with a roar that is amazing.  He builds a firm of blood thirsty brokers and in terms of excess there couldn't be more.  The film seems to be a study in excess and power.  Given the opportunity to leave honorably with millions he instead opted out to go to club fed for three years and be a self help speaker.  He has an all or nothing personality, which for a cinema goer is fascinating to watch.  Just like Casino there is no way that Stratton Oakmont is going to survive without imploding.
The scenes of him talking to the brokers with the microphone defines his core and who he really is.  He enjoys creating a circus and being a ringleader.  The humor in the film is hysterical and has the tone of a black comedy.  Audiences are divided about the humor, but personally I practically fell out of my seat multiple times.

Movies are always subjective and a question of taste.  Many will be displeased with this film.  I love that Scorsese has gone back to form and taken a risk.  The fact that he almost did not have final cut because it was 3 hours is a travesty.  This is the creator of MEAN STREETS.  What is happening in the world when Scorsese almost doesn't have final cut?   Well Summit Cinema is going to keep on rocking the last remaining moments of 2013 at the theater.  Shout out to the hits from France, Latvia, Canada, Russia, Vietnam, India, Korea, Australia, the United Kingdom, Tanzania, and Chile.
Break a champagne bottle on the bow of the yacht for MARTIN SCORSE he did it again in 2013!!!